Our people - Paul Pierse

Development Activities
Paul Pierse is a lecturer on the LL.B. in Irish Law, the Certificate in Mediation and the Certificate in Dual Career Development (Sports). From Listowel in County Kerry, Paul obtained an honours degree in Commerce and German from the National University of Ireland, Galway, before being admitted on to the roll of solicitors by the Law Society of Ireland and Certified to practice as a Mediator by the Mediators Institute of Ireland. Paul has developed a keen interest in mediation as an alternative to litigation and actively promotes its use in appropriate circumstances. He was instrumental in the inclusion of a separate module on Mediation in the LL.B. (Hons) in Irish Law in Griffith College - a first in Irish third level education. Paul is recognised as amongst the most established lecturers in delivering third level education through blended delivery. Having just completed his PGDip in Teaching and Learning at the time, Paul was selected as part of the pioneering cohort of lecturers when the LL.B. (Hons) in Irish Law was first launched via blended delivery. Paul continues to lecture a number of core modules on this successful course.
Research Interests
The regulation of Mediation is Paul's primary research interest. Paul completed his masters dissertation in 2017 on the subject of "Encouraging Disputing Parties into the Voluntary Mediation Process in Ireland". He is also interested in research relating to the law of contract and the ability of individual with diminished capacity to enter contracts.