Our people - Kevin O'Hara

Kevin O'Hara

Kevin O'Hara

Graduate Business School
Programme Director
Graduate Business School
Associate Lecturer

Location: Dublin Main Campus

Room: A110

Phone: 01-4163369

Extension: 369

Development Activities

Academic Qualifications
MSc Internationalisation (WIT, 2000), BA Commerce (Hons) (UCD, 1995).


Kevin brings fifteen years’ lecturing experience to his role as module leader for business management, business plan and strategic management at Griffith College. He previously led educational programmes in academic institutions in Ireland, Switzerland and the UK, and has lectured at third level in management, corporate strategy, HR and hospitality management. He has led both programmatic review and programme development processes with University partner higher education institutions, and has acted as a facilitator for inspections and reviews by the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).

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