Minister Harris launches new programme in Modern Methods of Construction

Griffith College and Skillnet Ireland have collaborated on the launch of a new programme in Modern Methods of Construction. Developing these critical skillsets is at the core of government plans to meet the needs of the Housing For All, Project Ireland 2040 and the National Development Plan.
The programme has been developed with the demands of the workforce in mind, recent industry surveys by the Construction Professionals Skillnet have found that 54% of companies using MMC do not believe the skills needed are currently being met in Ireland.
The launch took place in Government Buildings alongside Simon Harris TD, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.
Commenting on the launch Minister Harris said, “Modern Methods of Construction is a key component in helping the construction industry meet the Government’s ambitious targets for housing, as well as the broader commercial requirements of our economy. The development of this new programme will greatly boost Ireland’s Modern Methods of Construction capability and support the delivery of both the National Development Plan and Housing for All strategy.”