The law is always changing, so keeping this in mind, we are constantly updating our manuals and course materials. All our lecturers are practising Barristers and Solicitors and are aware of the latest updates whether it's a change in legislation on updated case law. If a considerable amount of time has passed in between sittings, we would always recommend taking a second course.

No. Manuals are only a part of the learning experience we offer, and for this reason we do not sell them separately they need to be used in conjunction with the lecture and lecture material provided to our learners.
To partake in the FE1 Preparatory or Revision Course there is no specific course requirements, however it is suggested that you contact Law Society of Ireland in advance to make sure your qualification is recognised by them and you can sit the FE1 exams.
We cannot advise on which subjects to take but traditionally, for first sittings, students take four subjects. Students normally take equity and contract together. Students also take property and either EU or Constitutional together as they are the largest topics and students choose not to take both together.
Our FE1 preparation courses offer a combination of;
• Fourteen online lectures: pre-recorded lectures released weekly, meaning participants can watch lectures at a time and place convenient to them.
• Two e-tutorials will be available via live stream so participants can join in. They will also be recorded and made available to learners to watch in their own time.
• One intensive exam preparation workshop will be available for participants via live stream. It will also be recorded and made available so participants can watch in their own time.
Participants are provided with a hard copy of each course and also a soft copy of the manual, past examination papers, examiners reports and sample answers are made available online for each of the
The FE1 Preparatory Course is 14 weeks in duration, with one 2 hour class per subject per week.
The FE1 exams take place twice a year in September and March.
Tuition for the September exams commences in June and tuition for the March exams begins the previous November.