LSMD Excellence Awards 2013

Speech & Drama Quarterfinalists

Student’s names / counties / Teacher’s

1 Martha Breen - Dublin Gillian Oman

2 Becky Gygax – Dublin Angela McHugh

3 Joseph Shannon – Sligo Irene Fleming

4 Conor Callaghan - Dublin Maeve O’Donoghue

LSMD 2013

Music Regional Quarterfinalists

Student’s names / counties / Teacher’s

1 Nevan Jio – Dublin (piano) Mirka Krystianova

2 Dylan Dimond – Dublin (guitar) Marc Collopy

3 Stacy Maher – Louth (piano) Linda Collins

4 Mathieu Doogan – Dublin (piano) Gloria Mulhall

5 Emma O’Leary – Cork (musical theatre) Kilshanna Vocal Studio

LSMD 2013

Special Recognition

Laura O’Connell (S&D) teacher Theresa Casey, Kilian Filan (S&D) teacher Irene Fleming, Harrison Jio (p) teacher Mirka Krystianova, Mihaela Bet (p) teacher Margaret Butler, Ronan Kelly (g) teacher Marc Collopy, Nathan Maoilearcha (g) Marc Collopy, Orla Williams (p) teacher Eugene Dolan, Ella Rose Whelan (p) Kilshanna Music Studio, Dylan Meehan (p) teacher Aoife O’Neill, Milly Clarke (p) Aoife O’Neill, Sarah Maher (p) teacher Linda Collins, Oisin Crowe (c) teacher Robert Hall, Ana Li Diggins (p) teacher Geraldine Molumby, Cillian Crowe (p) Geraldine Molumby, Mimi Lane (p) Geraldine Molumby, Tymoteusz Kamimski (p) teacher Tara Tierney, Molly O'Mahony (s) teacher Pavla Moore and Sarah Hayes (p) teacher Susan Hayes.


Overall Winner

The Overall Winner of the LSMD Excellence Award for Speech & Drama Performance 2013 – Martha Breen - Dublin (Teacher Gillian Oman).

The Overall Winner of the LSMD Excellence Award for Music Performance 2013 – Nevan Jio – Dublin (Teacher Mirka Krystianova).

Congratulations Martha & Nevan!

Prize for the Excellence Award Overall Winners - €300.00 & Trophy.

Prize for the Excellence Award Quarterfinalists - €100.00 & Silver Medal.

Opportunity to participate in the LSMD Excellence Awards Ceremony in Griffith College.

Congratulations to all students (and their Teachers!) who were nominated for the Excellence Awards.  Certificates will be issued for all students who were nominated for these awards at the ceremony.